Strategic Planning (Visioning)
Committee is charged with overseeing the club planning processes. This covers the following:
- Monitor, refine and implement outputs from the latest Visioning session.
- Monitor club progress on any Governors challenge, Presidential citation, or other program.
- Monitor goals in Rotary Club Central.
- Attend Vision to Plan workshops
Determine how to implement ideas from the Visioning session held in the spring of 2023 in the short term.
(1) Those items from the Visioning session requiring additional consideration are included in Produce a 3–5-year Strategic Plan for the Board by September 1, 2023. Once approved by Board, share the Plan with the membership.
(2) Report to Board and Membership by January 1 and April 1, 2024 on progress toward plan goals.
Committee Members
South Portland-Cape Elizabeth
Committee Members click here to access this committee module.
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