Members 53

July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2002

Robert Packer, President
Rick Dobson, Jr. , President Elect
Jeff Gabrielson, Vice President
Paul Butler, Secretary
Marcie Martelle, Treasurer
Eleanor Brainen, Cl ub Service Di r ector
Peter Cotter, Community Service
Matt McAlaney, ioc~iiooal ~ Service
Jack Kennealy, International Service
Kathy Ray, Director-At-Large

Resignations - Bill Berman, Jeff Bump, Alex Livingston, Keith McAlaney.

Dick Holden made an Honorary Member.
Annual Lobster Bake at Fort Williams on July 25th. The Casco Bay Sunrise Club was invited to meet with us.

Past R.I. Director Daniel W. Mooers was announced as Aide to R.I. Int'l Pres. Rick King.

Sunday, August 25, annual district-wide Sea Dogs baseball game. Everyone was requested to bring a non-perishable food item.

Sunday, August 26, annual Casco Bay four mile road race, with Dave Bagdassarian as Chairman. 275 runners participated and the proceeds of nearly $7,000.00 went to the Travis Roy Foundation.

Jack Roberts, on behalf of the Town Council, presented a plaque to the Club for renovations to the pond at Fort Williams. The club donated $12,500.00 over a 3 yr. period.

Jeff Gabrielson reported the Spring Point Festival netted $995.01.

Charter Night Sept. 28th for new Falmouth Rotary Club.

August 15th, 12 members traveled to Danvers, Mass. to hear Int'l. Pres. Rick King.

October 10th, District Governor, Peter Johnson, made his official visitation.

Our average attendance for July, Aug & Sept. was 76%

Nov. 28th we inducted new member, Andrew Stickney. His classification is Financial Planner.

December 12th over 50 seniors attended our annual Christmas Party. The Cheryl Greeley Dancers provided entertainment.

December 19th - The Christmas 'Tree Sale grossed over $60,000 and netted over $28,000. Most profitable in recent memory.
Saturday, January 19th - 300 Rotarians and guests attended our 40th Anniversary Celebration at Verillo's. Address was given  Rotary Int'l World President, Richard D. King.

Honored were Charter Members, Richard F. Kilroy, Daniel J. Gacetta , Warren S. Simpson and Richard Yerxa. Richard Kilroy and Warren Simpson have 40 years perfect attendance, never missing a meeting since the club was founded.

December 21st - Our Club suffered a great loss in the passing away of William Stanton. Bill had been a member since 1976 and had 19 years of perfect attendance. He received his Paul Harris Fellow in 1991 and received a Distinguished Service Award in 2000 on his 8Oth birthday. He was our long time Sgt. at Arms and Chairman of the Seniors Christmas Party . He faithfully set-up the monthly Soup Kitchen for many years. A goodly number of members attended his services on Sat. Dec. 29th.

January 30 we inducted Thomas Noyes as a new member. He works in family-owned insurance. 
Feb . 6 we joined the Casco Bay Sunrise Club at DiMillo's for their Maine Children's Cancer Program. Early estimates over $17,000 . was raised.

Feb . 13 we inducted Alan Hawkins as our newest member. Alan is principal of Memorial Middle School in So. Portland.

Feb. 20th we inducted Charles (Mac) Sexton as our newest member. Mac's classification is Law-Investments.
March 1st we have 56 members and 16 are Past Presidents.
March 12th - New member orientation night at Mike McGovern's residence. 16 new and older members attended.

March 13th - Membership attendance 76% for first seven months.

Sunday, April 7th - Eleanor Brainen hosted a Poker Night at her new Condo.

April 24th - New member, Mac Sexton, organized an Earth Day Cleanup Project at which 7 members participated. 

May 15th - Bea Foster, our long time waitress, suffered a minor stroke. She returned June 12th.

May 15th - District Governor , Peter Johnson, presented Mariann Goff with a Paul Harris Fellow given by her employer, Greater Portland Municipal Credit Union.

May 15th - Past District Governor, Harold Fralish, passed away. Harold was President of the So. Port. - Cape Eliz. Club in 1970-1971 and was thisĀ· clubs first District Governor.

May 15th - Our guests were the visiting GSE team from the Philippines. Adrienne Murphy chaired this visit and their activities.

June 5th - Our meeting was catered at the C.E. Fire Station and featured tours of the C.E . Fire Station and Police Station.  These are oat new buildings in the town.

June 19th - Changeover Night was attended by 84 Hotarians, spouses and guests. - Charter President, Richard Kilroy, received a plaque for 40 years of perfect attendance and a second plaque for being one of the four remaining Charter Members. Robert Packer thanked his officers for a job well done and Hick Dobson outlined a challenging agenda for the coming year