
President - Keith F. Dennison, Jr
Secretary - Ronald Tripp
Vice Pres - Edwin H. Inness
Treasurer - Richard E. Jordan
Directors - Howard Williams, Arthur S. Keniston, Jr, Richard Kennedy, John Vose, John Nadeau

On September 20 we were visited by District Governor Franklin Hinckley a member of the Rotary Club of Portland.

Frank Lee, a former member of our club, who has spent two years in Nigeria under the sponsorship of Harvard University, gave two presentations complete with slides.

On November 22 Thanksgiving Eve, thirteen members of the South Portland Kiwanis Club met with us.

Thirty guests attended our Christmas Party for the elderly. Entertainment was provided by Lloyd Knight, Bob Jennings at the piano, and Betty Gribben.

Profit from the Christmas Tree Sale was $850.
Ladies' Night and Sixth Anniversary Celebration at the Purpoodock Club on Saturday, January 27. Tickets were $15 per couple for dinner and dancing to Reggie Strout's Orchestra. "Drinks a maximum of 55 cents."

Our ten week attendance contest with the Rotary Club of Shawinigan Falls resulted in a victory for South Portland. We were also in sixth place in District Attendance.

The name of the club was changed to the Rotary Club of South Portland - Cape Elizabeth.

On February 28 , we observed Ladies' Night with Governor and Mrs. Kenneth Curtis as our guests. President Keith presented Governor Ken with an honorary membership in the Rotary Club of South Portland - Cape Elizabeth.

On April lO we had a combined sons and daughters night.

District Conference at the Wentworth-by-the-Sea, Portsmouth, N.H. on May 23 - 25.

June 15 we held the annual Guy Lombardo and his Orchestra dance at the Portland Exposition Building. Profits were $1,512.