President - Harold Fralich
V P - Sarando P. Giftos
Secretary - Raymond H. Frost
Treasurer - Arthur S. Keniston, Jr
Directors - Daniel W. Mooers, Frank Hugo, Lester Waters, George Chandler, Lloyd R. Knight
District Governor Paul Cote from Quebec City made his official visit to our Club on Wednesday evening, August 2. This was held at Heatherstone, (Carolyn's) on Shore Road with the ladies in attendance.
Phil Dube and his bride Claudette returned from their honeymoon.
Past President Ray Frost has been selected to be an Honorary Life Member of the newly formed Rotary Club of Wells - York.
On Saturday evening, December 2, a 10th Anniversary Dinner Dance was held at the Purpoodock club. Don Doane and his orchestra furnished music for dancing for the 100 people in attendance.
On December 20, we held our annual Christmas Party for senior citizens. Lloyd Knight, Betty Gribbin and Ruth Fineberg presented a musical program.
Profit on the Christmas Tree Sale was about $3400.
On March 7, we were hosts to the Rotary Club of Scarborough.
Our Club sponsored a management seminar from April 2 to April 6 at the Shawmut Inn, Kennebunkport. The graduation luncheon was on April 6 with Governor Ken Curtis as the speaker. Our profits from the Seminar were $2,182.
Our annual Guy Lombardo Dance was held at the Portland Expo on Friday, May 4, with a profit of $3200.
We were the sponsoring Club for the fourth annual multiservice club banquet held at the Memorial Junior High School in South Portland on May 16. Harold Pachios was the guest speaker.