Club Bulletins
Misc Articles

President - Daniel W. Mooers Secretary - Raymond H. Frost
VP - Richard E. Anderson Treasurer - Arthur S. Kenniston, Jr
Directors - Robert N. Carson, Jr, Donald Jenis, James F. Doughty, Edward Theriault, Sarando P. Giftos
We are now at the 600% plateau of Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.

Past District Governor Lewin1s project came to $1,000 which means a building will be named after our club, along with Augusta, Waterville and Portland.

The Rotary Club of Bethel held its Charter Night on Friday, September 6.

Price of the meal at Purpoodock increased to $3.25.

District Governor, Arthur P. Lynch, visited the club on November 13.

The annual Senior citizen Christmas Party was held on December 18. Fifteen guests were in attendance and they were entertained by Ellen Lefebvre, Dorothy Hicks and Bob Longbottom.

The club has purchased two copies of The World of Rotary and donated them to our public libraries. This is a new book, two years in the making by authors of ten nations telling the story of Rotary.

The Christmas Tree Sale profit was $1,500.

On February 5, we sponsored a Theatre Party at the Portland Player's Thaxter Theatre. "Blithe Spirit" was the production and was preceded by a buffet dinner at the Yankee Trader in South Portland.

Thirty-eight sons and daughters attended our meeting on April 30, and enjoyed a special movie provided by the South Portland Public Library.

On May 9, we sponsored Sammy Kaye and his orchestra at the Portland Exposition Building. Profit was $1,200.

A Combined Service Club meeting was held at the Yankee Squire Restaurant in South Portland on May 22. Entertainment was provided by a German-American Band. 

District Conference was held at the Balsams, Dixfield Notch, New Hampshire on June 20 - 21.