
President - Alfred 0 Boudreau
1st V. P. - Paul F. Butler
2nd V. P. - William A. York
Secretary - Robert N. Carson Jr
Treasurer - James F. Doughty
Directors - Edward Corson, Philip A. Dube, Richard Kennedy, Thomas Holden, George Chandler 

On September 12 we moved our regular weekly meeting from the Purpoodock Club to The Bridgeway Restaurant.

We donated $10,000 to the Hinckley Park Life Trail project.

District Governor, Ken Brooks, visited the club on October 3. This was a ladies' night.

On October 24, Willard Egli, a representative of the Secretary of Rotary International, visited the club. 

On December 12, we purchased a trailer to serve as an office for our Christmas Tree Sale. Our old shack was given to the Salvation Army for use at their summer camp. 

December 19, was the night of our annual Senior citizen Christmas Party with 27 in attendance. Entertainment was Christmas carols by our own Dick Shaffstall.

Profit on our Christmas Tree Sale was $7, 100.

After the regular meeting on April 23 the club adjourned to the South Portland City Council meeting where President Al Boudreau made a presentation to the City of a check for $2,000 to be used for an outdoor sign for the new City Hall.

On June 8, we sponsored the Port land Players production of "Jesus Christ, Super Star".