
President - James F. Doughty
1st V.P. Robert N. Carson, Jr.
2nd V.P. - Richard Pyne
Secretary - William A. York
Treasurer - Richard Goodine
Directors - Lawrence D. Carey, Alan Baldwin, Ralph Miller, Richard L. Rawlings, John Henchey

Our booth at the Spring Point Festival had a net profit of $59.

On July 18, District Governor Marcel Morrissette visited our club.

On August 1, our program consisted of six men from England who stayed in the area for the month of August on a Rotary Exchange program. They stayed in members' homes.

Our booth at the Cape Family Fun Day where we sold fried dough had a net profit of $558.

On August 15, Dan Gacetta was fined a dollar for appearing on international television with Joan Benoit at the Olympics. Joan won the first women's marathon.

August 22 was a Ladies' Night at Fort Williams with a Kentucky Fried Chicken meal.

On October 3 we held our meeting at the Maine Youth Center. There was a tour of the facility followed by a pot roast dinner. 

On October 10 the club sponsored IIGodspell 1i at the Phyllis Schyler Thaxter Theatre. Our net profit was $1,321.

On December 12 we held our annual Senior Citizen's Christmas Party. 43 guests were present. The program was a singing group from the Lyric Theatre.

Profit from our Christmas Tree Sale amounted to $11,470. On February 27 we received a letter from Rotary International in Zurich acknowledging the $2,000 we sent towards the purchase of a truck for use in Ethiopia to distribute famine relief.

Our club has contributed $3,000 to the Drinking and Driving programs in the South Portland and Cape Elizabeth High Schools.

A District Assembly was held on May 4 at the Sheraton Inn, South Portland, from 8 am to 4 pm. Our club was the host club since Sam Giftos was the incoming District Governor. In the evening there was a dance to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Portland.

The club contributed $1,500 toward the purchase of a lighted fountain in Millcreek Park.