South Portland - Cape Elizabeth
Rotary Club History

July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003
Officers: Rick Dobson, Jr., President
Jeff Gabrielson, President-Elect
Frank Butterworth., Vice President
Paul Butler, Secretary
Marcie Martelle, Treasurer
Jack Kennealy, Club Service
John Eliassen, Community Service
Peter Cotter, Vocational Service
Mariann Goff, International Service
Bob Packer, Director-at-Large
  • 56 Members. Resignations Fred Janson, Jeff Holden, Alan Hawkins. Average attendance for the past Rotary year was 75%
  • Family Fun Day only netted between $400 and $500. due to a cancellation and rain.
  • The Portland Symphony Concert netted $250.00
  • District Governor, Tim Placey, presented Past District Governor, Sam Giftos, with a medallion honoring his service to Rotary and presented President Rick Dobson with a commitment pin for Polio Eradication.
  • 10 members are in the "Perfect Attendance Club"
  • July 17 was our annual Lobster and Steak Bake at Fort Williams Park. The Casco Bay Sunrise Club again made this a joint meeting. 113 in attendance made this a record setting crowd.
  • On August 14 at l PM on a very hot day, 250 people were in attendance for the recommissioning of Bug Light. Our club received extensive media attention. Peter Cotters Company painted the lighthouse at cost and Tom Meyers help facilitate the recommissioning.
  • The Spring Point Festival on August 17th raised $573.00
  • On Sunday August 25 we held our annual Bridge Road Race. Chaired by Dave Bagdasarian and 273 runners were registered.
  • On August 28th we inducted our newest member, Christian Smith, who resides in South Portland. He is a CPA with McDonald Page working with clients in the forestry industry.
  • Cape Elizabeth Football Boosters rented our food trailer at the Labor day Art Show. They netted about $600 and the Rotary made $175. in a profit-sharing arrangement.
  • 0n Sunday, Sept 8 we played the Portland Rotary C1ub in a spirited softball game. Our club lost 18-6 and we look forward to avenging this loss in 2003.
  • On Wednesday Sept. 18 our meeting was held at the South Portland Housing Authority on Landry Circle. This was a club assembly.
  • In a historic first for our club, member Annette Fischer, gave birth to a baby girl, Mara Antoinette. Weight 8 lbs. 4 oz. on Sept. 23rd.
  • On October 23rd, Dave Bagdasarian presented to the club a silver platter from the Maine Cancer foundation to recognize our efforts to raise money for them through the Road Race. This year we raised $7000 for Maine Cancer Foundation.
  • On Sunday, Oct. 27 six members chaperoned the Friends Forever group from Ireland at a Portland Pirates hockey game.
  • Demographic background of our club. 46 are males. 10 are females. 2 are under age 30, 7 are ages 30 -39, 8 are ages 40-49, 22 are ages 50-59 and 8 are 70 or over. 17 have been Rotarians less than 3 years, 8 for 3-5 years, 5 for 6-10 years and 22 for more than 10 years. 6 were members of Rotary before joining our club. 46 are actively working and 10 are retired. 51 reside within the locality of our club and 38 work in the locality of the club.
  • The Board of Directors voted to fund $500 to the USM Dominican Republic Outreach Program, to fund $500 to the Camp Susan Curtis Foundation, to fund $200. to the Juvenile Diabetes Walk and to fund $500. to the Cape Elizabeth High School Theater group that is going to Scotland next August.
  • Sept. 11th was our annual Senior's Christmas Party with over 60 guests. The entertainment was the South Portland High School Glee Club. This is Warren Simpsons last year as Chairman of this event.
  • On December 18, Bob Packer received his 7 year perfect attendance pin, Paul Butler his 25th and Richard Kilroy and Warren Simpson their 41 year pins.
  • Chairman, Jeff Gabrielson, reported a record setting Christmas Tree Sale netting over $29,000.
  • On Saturday, Jan 11 and Sunday Jan 12, our club collected over 18,000 bottles and cans at Shaws which will net over $1000. for the District Polio Program.
  • On Feb.5 we met at DiMillo's restaurant for the Maine Children's Cancer Program Social and Silent Auction. Over 300 attended. This is sponsored by the Casco Bay Sunrise Club. The first year in 1999 this program raised $1965.00. This year it raised $21,529.00. The DiMillo family donates all the food for the evening.
  • On Feb. 12th we welcomed our newest member, Justin Dobson. He is an Account Manager with CCCS and the son of our President, Rick.
  • Ed Ingraham and John Eliassen have proposed the following fund raiser for the District Polio Program. Every member who wants to participate can be weighed in at next week's meeting and for every pound that they lose in the next two months, they will donate $1, and for every pound they gain, they will donate $2 towards polio eradication. This project raised about $450.00
  • On March 12 we hosted a joint meeting with the Lions Clubs of Cape Elizabeth, Thornton Heights, and South Portland and the South Portland Kiwanis Club.
  • The South Portland Public Access channel has expressed interest in taping, for replay on the SP/CE channels, some of the speakers at our meetings. A crew will be at the next meeting, April 2 to tape the talk by Harold Pachios.
  • Thanks to the work of Dan Davidson, our updated club handbooks for prospective members are now available.
  • On April 16 Peter Cotter received his Paul Harris recognition. Peter’s wife and two children were present to witness this award.
  • On April 26, Dan Davidson chaired a Rebuilding Together work day. This is a National Endeavor, on this one day, to repair houses for people unable to afford the repairs. Despite an extremely rainy day our group worked on two houses in South Portland.
  • At a club assembly, President Rick Dobson announced that we had donated $3500.00 to the Rotary Foundation and $300.00 to the "Know Yourself/Be Yourself” workshop at the Pond Cove Elementary School. A plaque honoring Bill Stanton is set to go on the food trailer and a new plaque is going up on the picnic shelter at Fort Williams thanking us for the initial contribution that build the Shelter.
  • On May 11, Dan Mooers and his wife, Shirley, traveled to Zimbabwe, Africa for National Rotary. He had requested pencils and note paper to give to the school children. Dan also took along three soccer balls.
  • At this year’s National Honor Society ceremony, it was announced that the Cape Elizabeth Chapter has been renamed the Joe Conroy Chapter of the National Honor Society.
  • On May 28 we inducted our newest member, Sefa Canen. Her classification is Financial Advisor.
  • On June 11th we inducted our newest member, Jeff Crain. His classification is Disability Claims. He is the son-in-law of our current President, Rick Dobson.
  • On June 25th we held our Changeover meeting at the Inn By The Sea in a large tent with 64 members and guests in attendance. Rick Dobson thanked his Board and presented them. with tokens of esteem for their faithful service. Jeff Gabrielson spoke on the new Rotary theme, “Lend A Hand”. His main focus next year is to have F U N. F stands for fellowship, U stands for understanding and N stands for nutturing
  • Dan Mooers and Mike McGovern attended the International Rotary Convention in Australia.